If you want to make a return, please make sure to contact us within 30 days of receiving the package to receive authorization and instructions. In case of a damaged or partial delivery, you have to contact us within the first 7 days of order receipt. Once you have received an authorization, the item/s should be delivered back to our return center within 14 days. All items must be in unused and unaltered condition.
To contact us, please call us directly at (800) 657-1303 or send us an e-mail at order@batterysharks.com. One of our customer service representatives will contact you and will review your order.
The following return policy must be followed, to receive any type of a refund:
- You need to contact Customer Service within 30 days after receipt of order if you wish to return or exchange the product (7 days in case of damaged or partial delivery or wrong item received).
- BatterySharks.com Customer Service has to approve your return.
- You need to return your batteries with your original invoice included in the package. All Return Authorizations from our Customer Service department, expire 7 business days after receipt.
- After you return your item/s to our warehouse and we verify their quality, we can then refund your account with the product purchase price. Shipping cost is non-refundable.
- Customer is responsible for return shipping costs.
- Once a return is requested, but the process is not completed, BatterySharks.com reserves the rights to deem any return requests.
- Special items / non-stock products may not be subject to returns / refunds. Contact our Customer Service to confirm whether your purchase is subject to return.
- Orders for special items and deals and non-stock products will be subject to a 20% restocking fee.
If you did contact our Customer Service department within 30 days after your receipt and you did return your package during the next 14 days (a 2-week period), we will refund your account with the amount you paid for the product. Please, note you will need to cover the shipping cost for the return.
It is customer’s responsibility to verify dimensions and specifications of a battery prior to placing an order.
If we did send you the wrong battery size, BatterySharks.com will cover the shipping cost (both ways) and will send you the right replacement for free.
If batteries are delivered damaged, they are exchanged at no cost with brand new replacements. Just send us a picture of the damaged battery and we will ship you a brand new one.
We do not grant any refund if you return your package without our approval or contact us later than this 30-day period. Please do not return merchandise to our remittance address. We accept returns only when the return policy described above is followed.
Non-returnable Products:
Some products that we sell are non-returnable. Below we attempt to explain our reasoning behind this policy. If you have any questions that aren't covered or if you would like to discuss anything in further detail, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Special Items & Non-Stock products: Products which BatterySharks.com will supply from a vendor, specifically for your request. This could be either a product different than the SigmasTek brand, larger quantity of a low volume item or a limited time offer.